By Mack - 31/08/2009 04:06 - United States

Today, I rented a drill to a straight-up valley girl, with the speech affect, Von Dutch patrol cap and all. I tried to disabuse of her of the idea that aluminum is a form of steel. Apparently, that constitutes being a smartass, so she threw her change at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 612
You deserved it 8 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, I enjoy how, in your haste to make yourself sound intellectually superior to the Valley girl, you totally screwed up what you were trying to say. And, seriously, if getting change thrown at you after completely insulting and likely belittling/mocking a customer to her face is traumatic enough for you to say FML, then you are surely living a charmed life. YDI for SURE!

IOwnedYou 0

Didn`t follow a word he said, can someone explain?



YDI for being a judgmental idiot. If she's buying something from you, be nice to her and not a jerk. She threw the change at you because you were undermining her.. man up!

btw aluminum is an element. it's found in nature as an ore, whereas steel is manufactured using nickel, iron and water. you are wrong. seriously, FYL.

lilmisslovely13 15

oh yeah, sorry about that :)

shame aluminum doesn't exist. it's aluminium. If you're gonna be a smart ass, do it properly.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

Aluminum: American English Aluminium: British English If you're gonna be a smart ass, do it properly.

ilovenoah 0're a ****** idiot!!!

Aluminum isn't any type of steel ya poop iron makes up steel or you know Fe not Al

How did this even get published if nobody knows what the hell it means?