By Anonymous - 05/01/2011 20:22 - United States

Today, I returned to work after celebrating the New Year in Mexico. I wasn't feeling well, but didn't want to call in sick after already taking a vacation. Now I'm at work with diarrhea, and trotting to the bathroom every 30 minutes. My commute home usually takes around an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 479
You deserved it 5 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

VivaLaCobra22 0


sourgirl101 28

Montezuma's revenge is the worst. Plus in Mexico, they serves re-fried beans on everything including breakfast. It would get anyone sick.

Sinkhole 26

Sourgirl, I had never heard the colloquialism 'Montezuma's revenge'! Maybe it's because I live in Guatemala and, just like in Mexico, most people here eat refried beans on everything; our eating habits are very similar, so we wouldn't get sick when going to Mexico! Cadeau, instead of posting that useless 'WTF?' comment, you could have just googled it, like I did. Google is your friend!

cadeau_fml 0

sinkhole: just to let you know i live in México and i cant believe how ignorant ppl r, but ohhhh whatever :) u understand ... i guess :)

Sinkhole 26

Yeah, last time I went to a museum, in the very entrance there was a big poster letting tourists know that they should not drink our water and warning them about our food too, those posters are everywhere, 'cause it's a big problem here. However, I don't think people are ignorant, of course some of them are, but not all. In fact, I don't know in reference to what you are saying that people are ignorant. A lot of tourists here get sick 'cause they're not familiar with our cooking. The water, well, that's obviously a problem too.

nocanhaz 4

Don't go home then if you don't think you will make it.

Who gets sick right after vacation? You obviously did some things you shouldn't have been doing...partying too hard, alcohol, etc. You totally deserved it.

TheDrifter 23

No, duckface bad. The rest of learned that years ago. Or are you trying to emulate your favorite developmentally disabled Jersey Shore castmember?

OhShuttup 0

and you should like totally not do the duck face pose, it's like totally ugly, like totally!

uberletepoon 10

if you're too embarrassed to buy adult diapers, buy a bottle of wine. I hear the cork acts as a butt plug

yeah I went to Mexico over the summer and had the ***** for 2 weeks

Uhh take a shit on the side of the road?..

cadeau_fml 0
mandypandypants 4

HAHA! You drank the water didn't you?..........didn't you?