By thelordofpies - 17/10/2014 15:24 - United States
thelordofpies tells us more.
Hey OP here, thanks for all the support guys. Luckily I didn't get into an accident. I was able to come out of the whole incident without a scratch but a massive itchy red welt. The doctor said I'll be fine in a few days time. :)
Top comments
There are no poisonous spiders, only venomous. Unless there actually are spiders that you have to eat to get sick
What do you think is caused by the venom.
not sure why you're getting down votes, you're correct
We all know what OP meant, though. Can we stop being pedantic and focus on what we usually do in the FML comments? Start working on Godwin's law, of course.
Thankfully it didn't cause you to have an accident. But reading this made me cringe, I dislike spiders so much!!
I know the feeling . I checked my helmet before I went to the store right now. Freaking paranoid now ....
Sounds like a real pain in the neck.
And people said I was crazy o_0
I have a habit of checking every dark-spaced thing before I put them on....shaking out shoes, anything in the garage...
omg on mobile and hit you deserve it by mistake. you don't deserve it. No one does. I hope everything's ok an you got help before anything could go wrong!
Hey OP here, thanks for all the support guys. Luckily I didn't get into an accident. I was able to come out of the whole incident without a scratch but a massive itchy red welt. The doctor said I'll be fine in a few days time. :)
Glad you made it out fine OP, I had a brown recluse in my helmet recently. It bit me before I left the driveway and left one hell of a mark. Ride safe.
ooh that sucks man.
I don't have a bike anymore but when I did I thoroughly checked my helmet and boots and gloves before I rode every single time even though I kept them inside and in a bag. The only reason I did that was because I found a scorpion in my helmet once!
maybe you're the next spider man
Helmets can be a web of danger too , I guess!
Hahaha, I live in Australia and we've known this for quite some time
I accidentally downvoted your comment, but I live in Australia aswell, and haven't been bitten yet, and I've been over here for four years.
I was born in Aus and still live here and haven't been bitten yet either after 20 years, but that doesn't mean it won't happen. We have some of the most ****** up shit here and I would prefer to check every time and not get bitten over not checking and having a nasty surprise!
Australia, where the plants are poisonous, the critters are highly venomous & the wildlife will take a bite outta ya, as soon as they look at ya. Come, relax, and try not to die. I have a family of huntsmans that live in my house, so they tend to catch everything. Sometimes, I even buy them bugs and feed them.
I am excite!

My first thought was Spider-Man
Obvious solution. Soak your helmet in raid before you ride, every time.