By UH-OH - 15/03/2009 04:22 - United States

Today, I sat next to an attractive punk-rock guy on a plane. I tried impressing him by playing music I thought he would like. I clicked on The Who and opened a large window with the album cover so he could see. The track then shuffled, and he was faced with a giant picture of Miley Cyrus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 704
You deserved it 117 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the who is rock n roll. not punk. and if you're someone that listens to miley cyrus and thinks the who is punk he probably wouldn't have been interested in you anyway.


punk guys HATE The Who anyway. better luck next time.


HorrorByrd 0

lol most punks don't like The Who anyway.

Don't care about The Who being punk - they are awesome.

Grow up. (Not saying that because you listen to Miley Cyrus -- but because you should have just talked to the guy rather than tried to impress him through music you probably don't even listen to).

Vampire_princess 0

I doubt he would like you anyway.

I'm debating over this one. It's like a triple situation. 1: You deserve for yet another bs scenario of "I'm too dull to understand people actually like others for personality and if they don't I probably shouldn't want them to like me" 2: **** your life since you listen to Miley Cyrus. 3: You deserve it for actually thinking he would like The Who.

amazingkate 0

yeah, let's face it: you didn't have any music on your ipod that would have "impressed" him. who's impressed with what's on an ipod anyway? christ. if you're not hot, you're not hot.

poser. people like you bother me.. im sorry, but attracted by looks? then go on to "show off" their music..... come on... YDI.