By UH-OH - 15/03/2009 04:22 - United States

Today, I sat next to an attractive punk-rock guy on a plane. I tried impressing him by playing music I thought he would like. I clicked on The Who and opened a large window with the album cover so he could see. The track then shuffled, and he was faced with a giant picture of Miley Cyrus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 704
You deserved it 117 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the who is rock n roll. not punk. and if you're someone that listens to miley cyrus and thinks the who is punk he probably wouldn't have been interested in you anyway.


punk guys HATE The Who anyway. better luck next time.


candle_lit_chaos 1

The Who sucks anyway.I think I'd preffer her.I don't feel sick when I hear her on the TV when my sister is watching Hannah Montana.My sister is 32 and she's not mental lol.

So? if you like Hannah Montana you shouldn't be ashamed of it, plus it was just some random guy on a plane. It probably wouldn't go anywhere, unless you were hoping to join the mile high club with him, in which case if he thought you were hot and wanted to go for it he probably wouldn't have cared about what music the random chick he's doing on a plane listens to.

eyewuvvyaababe 0

Why The **** Would you have that dumb bitch on your ipod anyway? POSER!

AHAHAHAHA! I'm laughing because you listen to Miley Cyrus.

Obviously a lot of people here have never seen The Who's set at Monterey or heard any live stuff from about 67'-68'. No doubt proto-punk.

Miley Cyrus always ruines everything ...

stripedoctor 3

The Who is not Punk Rock. Miley Cyrus is not a human being

#69. ... The Sex Pistols? Really? They're the boy band of punk. =/

#79 - also? (Just jokes, seriously. Some friends of mine were ******* around in HMV one day.)

That's what you get for stereotyping. And for having bad taste in music.