By UH-OH - 15/03/2009 04:22 - United States

Today, I sat next to an attractive punk-rock guy on a plane. I tried impressing him by playing music I thought he would like. I clicked on The Who and opened a large window with the album cover so he could see. The track then shuffled, and he was faced with a giant picture of Miley Cyrus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 704
You deserved it 117 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the who is rock n roll. not punk. and if you're someone that listens to miley cyrus and thinks the who is punk he probably wouldn't have been interested in you anyway.


punk guys HATE The Who anyway. better luck next time.


Since when was The Who a punk band?

Why do people do this? Don't pretend to like something you don't to impress someone. And the who isn't punk.

Being a poser will definetly unimpress him

You should never pretend to be someone you're not. If you do, the relationship won't work out.

johnrdz3 24

All this time later and rereading this FML still makes me mad in a hilarious way.

Don't be a poser. We don't care what you listen to. Just don't be an idiot like this, and you'll be fine.

The Who wouldn't have impressed him either, so.. no harm no foul OP!

alyvengeance 3

What if he did, say, start a conversation with you over your fake music preferences, and started asking you questions like your favorite albums, or other favorite rock bands? Yeah, you didn't think that through at all... You should just be yourself and not pretend to be something you're not, because it will catch up to you sooner than later!