By UH-OH - 15/03/2009 04:22 - United States

Today, I sat next to an attractive punk-rock guy on a plane. I tried impressing him by playing music I thought he would like. I clicked on The Who and opened a large window with the album cover so he could see. The track then shuffled, and he was faced with a giant picture of Miley Cyrus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 704
You deserved it 117 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the who is rock n roll. not punk. and if you're someone that listens to miley cyrus and thinks the who is punk he probably wouldn't have been interested in you anyway.


punk guys HATE The Who anyway. better luck next time.


notonpurpose 0

YDI for liking that **** Cyrus.

EveryDayJackAss 0

seems like The Who is a leading cause of increased FMLs submitted per day this past month :D which is a good thing! this is after all

memory_loss_fml 0

lolll... there's no use trying to impress a punk guy anyway - virtually everybody is a poser for punks XD just look at this thread: half of them are cursing The Who to the eighth generation, the other half calling them the roots of punk rock. Everybody's allowed a bit of a guilty musical pleasure (-still, Miley Cyrus? *shudder*), but check whether your ipod is on shufle next time - or better yet, don't try to 'impress' anyone with music. Music is about taste, there's nothing impressive...

YDI for even have Miley on your phone

The who is a good name for the band coz i have no idea who they are

gymnast10179 0

yer stupid punk rock people don't like the who the who sucks! it's all about underøath(: