By pops up - 01/12/2011 22:25 - United States

Today, I sat on Santa's lap. He got an erection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 367
You deserved it 10 645

Same thing different taste


I think YDI for sitting on his junk. Is it just me, or is it more acceptable to sit on his knee?

FYLDeep 25

He gave the last guy his finger. Santa is throwing out the rulebook this year.

ikickgingers 15

The economy is so bad Santa took a second job as a ******* Genie. What the **** is the world coming to...

CuteDumBlonde64 11

Note to self: Never sit on Santa lap....ever again.

If she still sits on Santa's lap she's too young for you bro

lol i had ti dress up as santa at zellers fml

If she's old enough to know what an erection is she might be old enough

If she's old enough to know what an erection is she's too old to be sitting on santas lap

iHateTheMods 3

Looks like Santa gots you his naughty this year. ;)

iHateTheMods 3

*list dagnabit we need an edit feature for the andorid app.