By pops up - 01/12/2011 22:25 - United States

Today, I sat on Santa's lap. He got an erection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 382
You deserved it 10 652

Same thing different taste


Anybody want a box of condoms for Christmas?

why are u sitting in santas lap of your old enough to be on this app

69, because teenagers think it's cute to act like stupid children for some reason.. It made me less fearful for humanity when they "grew up too fast".. At least then we knew they had an idea how to grow up..

MarjoCupcake 11

It seems Santa's from the South Pole and you're on the naughty list. ;)

Mrs claus has just read this FML and is getting the divorce papers...

If your old enough to make him think sexual things about you then your to old to sit on his lap