By HOe HOe HOe - 02/11/2011 02:36 - United States

By HOe HOe HOe - 02/11/2011 02:36 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/12/2010 05:09 - United States
By awkward - 22/02/2014 05:39 - United States
By selfishsexysanta - 24/12/2012 18:06 - United States
By pops up - 01/12/2011 22:25 - United States
By dummy - 17/02/2012 00:03 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/11/2014 16:28 - United States - Portland
By Anonymous - 11/10/2019 00:01
By Anonymous - 28/05/2017 20:00
By fed up/turned off - 02/10/2013 05:47 - United States - Fresno
By suckstosuck - 23/07/2013 04:04 - United States - Dana Point
Seemed like a pretty bland joke to be goin this crazy over...
You know what you should do now. Wear your fake beard and colour his nose red and ride him. Rudolf the red nosed reindeer~
love OP's username.
It would've been funny if you said in a Santa Claus accent "well then you need to be spanked, no presents for you."
No, that would not have been funny.
Something tells me he sat on Santas lap one to many times when he was younger!
Read ur profile ******* hilarious
Lmao that's classic lol sorry but that was too funny
No presents for him.
I think you supposed to say "I've been a bad girl"
A grammar nazi who is correcting a grammar nazi who is correcting someone who made one mistake. Well... You guys also forgot too add full stops.
That awkward moment when you try to correct someones grammar but you end up using wrong grammar as well
I tried to correct my original post after being auto corrected to "you", when I got auto corrected again to "your" instead of "you're" I just really didn't bother. I'm not a grammar nazi but I knw there are a lot on here.
Cant tell if trolling...
36, he wasn't correcting a grammar nazi he was correcting the guy trying to correct himself.
Awww come on OP it was pretty funny.
OPs from Hawaii ;D
Haha love the pic xD
He's makin a list, checkin it twice. Tryin to find out who's naughty or nice. Santa clause is coming to a bed near you.
Santa Claus is cumming....and going to town!!
why does Santa have a big sack?..... because he only comes once a year!
62, what a horrifyingly bad joke. Sorry.
I found it quite assuming lol.
Oh whatever :/ btw 62 it's too late 4 u go to bed
Congrats! Your man has a sense of humor.
you can both unload your sack now
Who doesn't get turned on by a fat, old, seedy man?!
33- theres a way of speaking in a jokingly manner called sarcasm
I think 33 was joking... Wait that means... :-0
Yes Santa?!! Hahahahaha
No presents for him.