By ugly - 25/07/2011 02:53 - United States

Today, I saw a facebook status that said, 'Wedding today. Ugly people belong together.' I'm getting married today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 496
You deserved it 3 772

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe hes ugly and hes just not used to extremely sexy people like yourself


wow you are a shallow! have you read the other comments? nevermind you should just leave now. 'cause I don't like idoits and shallow ass-holes. bye bye!

A100893 30

Ignore them, enjoy the happiest day of your life.

_NoobsRapedMe 2

Atleast she supports ugly people being togetther ? Right ? Right ? Okay no ... *Hides In Closet*

Glitterhinoceros 14

They jus' jelly your getting married. They're most likely to grow old as annoying fat crones with 600 cats

they're lime green jelly and they're too afraid to admit it!!

actuallyyy, thatd be 609 cats because 600 is never enough :)

sammybearbby 6

I love your hair! it's pretty. jus' sayin (:

A7X_LoVeee 10

What's wrong with having 600 cats?

Glitterhinoceros 14

Because doggies are better than cats

skrillex is my fav, I saw him play at EDC! :)

That's not nice!!! Not everyone can be good looking. At least you clearly don't have a problem finding a spouse! Congrats OP!

AtPasalacqua 9

Forget about that idiot and enjoy your wedding. Congratulations! :)

GIRL NO. SHE. DIDN'T. Crack a few yo' mama jokes, and then have a bf. Always works.

haha yo mamas soo old her breast milk is powdered! I watched white chicks today :D

MrSexyPants 14

Don't worry... they're probably the people who duckface and fish for compliments on Facebook all day. You on the other hand, are getting married; don't let anyone ruin that but your mistress.

bobbymullet 11

congratulations(; bitches be jealous.:P