By Anonymous - 03/12/2009 18:13 - United States

Today, I saw a girl walking to class by herself. I thought she was weird for not having any friends to walk with. Thats when I realized I was eating lunch by myself. In my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 163
You deserved it 42 709

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perstephane 4

Wow, walking to class by herself. How horrible. I mean, it couldn't at all be that her friends have a different class and that she meets up with them after. And it couldn't be that the people she's friends with in her class are coming from the opposite direction so it wouldn't be practical. Obviously she just has no friends at all. I mean, it's the only conclusion.

I think you're weird for thinking people need to walk to class in groups.


wow, OP. that's pathetic. First of all, just because she's walking alone doesn't mean she has no friends. I have plenty of friends and I have to walk alone to some of my classes because I don't have any of my friends in some of those classes or we're coming to the same class from different sides of the campus. Second, not having friends doesn't make someone weird. Most people in today's society aren't worth being friends with anyhow.

Did it occur to you that her friends might be going to DIFFERENT classes?

what a jerk. just because she is walking to class alone doesnt mean she does not have friends. get over yourself.

Yeah that's pretty f***ed up thinking she's wierd for walking alone. She could be siting in her car eating lunch alone. Ima give you a nickname.... NERD ALERT *boom* that's right just went there

It's not uncommon for a member of the human race to spend some time alone, no matter what they're doing, be it walking to class or enjoying lunch in their car. It does not make you lame or weird when you are alone. A lot of us (myself included) prefer it that way.

babazad3h 0

the op is such a ******* asshole. just because someone walks to class alone doesnt make them wierd. and im pretty sure you walk to class alone too so shut up

Mr.g bacon man.... Go live in a cave hahahhaha but not my cave because I live there not you


wtf i walk alone to almost every class are you calling me weird? douche.

You are pathetic, pfff! You must me real unpleasant if you eat lunch in your car.

FYI, the 'female bathroom group tactic' does not apply to school situations. Next time, eat in the cafeteria, where you can sit at a table with plenty of girls who will educate you on this topic. Bam! Problem solved. For now, YDI.