By Anonymous - 30/10/2011 23:36 - United States

Today, I saw a group of attractive guys at the mall. One of them looked exactly like a friend, so I decided to take a picture. Trying to be discreet, I put my phone up to my ear as if I was making a phone call, and pressed the capture button. The flash went off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 526
You deserved it 46 839

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

laugh hysterically and run away. it will fit your creeper vibes.


lexielou07 18

Hahahahaha...... Hahaha! That is hilarious !

Scands_59 14

"Oh oh oh! She's following me! Oh oh oh! She's out of her tree! Oh oh oh! She's off of her rocker! I want to marry my stalker!"...freaky creeper's favourite song maybe? :D

Migster 0

You probably should have just told your friend that you saw someone who looks like him. If you had've shown him a picture he probably would've thought the same as us - you're a creep.

KiddNYC1O 20

You take random pictures of your friends?