By daremetobecooler - 08/04/2009 15:53 - United States

Today, I saw a letter from Geneseo that invited me to apply to the honors college. Excited, I wrote the required two page essay on how I am organized. I then saw the strict deadline was March 15th. My little brother thought it would be funny to hide my mail. For the past seven weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 928
You deserved it 3 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hide your brother in the attic from your parents for 7 weeks =)

I definitely think you missed the entire point of this FML...


why the **** would you want to go to geneseo?!?!?!?!? i lived there for most of my adolescence and that place blows!

if i were you, my brother would have been dead by now.

darkerdaydreams 0

i would have beat the living shit out of him and tortured him for 7 weeks.

sammyman2012 0

"little brother" take advantage of that and kick his ass for being smart. If u got honors that meeks your really smart u may have more colleges open to u, good luck with ur future.

118 ur a ******* hippocrit for saying that ppl in long island are snobby, look at ur self.

That's just mean. My relationship with my brother would be severley damaged if not ruined if he did that to me.

wth_seriously 0
xenomorph 0

It's against the law to intercept people's mail. You should charge (but of course omit the lawyers; they're just a huge expense).