By daremetobecooler - 08/04/2009 15:53 - United States

Today, I saw a letter from Geneseo that invited me to apply to the honors college. Excited, I wrote the required two page essay on how I am organized. I then saw the strict deadline was March 15th. My little brother thought it would be funny to hide my mail. For the past seven weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 928
You deserved it 3 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hide your brother in the attic from your parents for 7 weeks =)

I definitely think you missed the entire point of this FML...


shitttt. FYL. i know how hard it is to get into Geneseo. :l you could always go to another school and transfer there. but by now i'm sure you came up with a solution. lol

kick his little ass! show him not to mess with you

omg I love geneseo I go up there every summer and my birthday is march 15 wow lol wat a coincidence

GeneseoFML 0


CaptainAwesome2 0


CaptainAwesome2 0

Who said he was a little kid? He could just be a year younger and a total ass...

#16 cleary she is using one word at a time to show mock anger,fool

solidsnake1426 0

dude this is about this guy/girl not you so don't go all "poor me" on this guy FML

CateB 0

Teenagers don't get mail often, since they use the internet and text messaging. So 7 weeks with no mail is not unusual. I haven't gotten mail in a few months, which is perfectly normal.

ajs1987 15

Ways to get back at him: 1) poke holes in all of his condoms, watch the mayhem ensue 2) wire a powerful electromagnet to something he keeps near his computer (a lamp for instance), he turns it on, the contents of his hard drive are forever gone 3) write a craigslist ad for men seeking men and post that you're looking for someone to have a quickie with during your lunch break at work around 11am. Use his name, and workplace 4) the next time you hear him talking about a dinner reservation for a date, call and cancel it. This one's easy, safe and effective