By daremetobecooler - 08/04/2009 15:53 - United States

Today, I saw a letter from Geneseo that invited me to apply to the honors college. Excited, I wrote the required two page essay on how I am organized. I then saw the strict deadline was March 15th. My little brother thought it would be funny to hide my mail. For the past seven weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 928
You deserved it 3 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hide your brother in the attic from your parents for 7 weeks =)

I definitely think you missed the entire point of this FML...


Signed up just to say this... You're not completely SOL. I know of a number of people who took their gen ed classes their first one or two semesters at a different college than the one their degree wound up coming from. If you take honors classes, they should* transfer over and contribute toward an honors degree at any college. And I hope you gave your brother proper, um, 'sibling communication' for that one. * - IANAAA (I Am Not An Academic Advisor)

number 23 I'm an Honours Bachelor of Commerce student, I'm going here because i want to get a career doing the things i love to do, maybe you just go to a shitty school and number 63, stealing mail most definitely is a federal offense, hell, even holding up a mail truck at a 4-way stop is illegal.

you need to tell your parents and give your brother a stern talking to. Tell him that he ruined your chances at getting into an honors college, and also what he did is ILLEGAL. hiding/stealing mail is a FEDERAL OFFENSE. You need to make sure he realizes the severity of what he's done.

What the people have said before about it being a federal offense is very true. If I were you I'd feel no remorse over having him convicted for what he did; not even your own parents can do what he did and get away with it.

aguar88 0

If it makes you feel any better, I go to Geneseo and really being in the "honor college" doesn't make much difference. It's a fantastic school, most of the professors are great and helpful, and you'll get a really good education for relatively little money. I'm finishing my third year and it's one of the greatest decisiona I ever made. Also, admissions might be more flexible than you think if you call them and explain the situation. Anyway, good luck.

CowGoesMoo 0

I gotta say, thats not really a funny prank, your brother is just kind of a jerk.

tardis_fml 0

I'm going to say this is a fake. I applied to Geneseo myself when I was looking at colleges, and their application is a two parter that is due much earlier on in the school year.

alyssamarie218 0

#92, I go to a SUNY school and I absolutely love it, I wouldn't go anywhere else, and alot of the SUNY's are AMAZING schools. SUNY Geneseo, Brockport, and UB, for example are excellent colleges.

I would murder my brother if I were you. Seriously.