By Lmop68 - 27/05/2009 05:27 - Canada

Today, I saw my crush waving me over from the other end of the parking lot. I ran quickly to greet him, but in my excitement didn't take note of the giant Hummer backing out. I broke two ribs and all my crush was trying to do was warn me of the moving vehicle I was about to run into. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 051
You deserved it 17 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

R3TH0R 0

FYL and YDI FYL because he couldn't do any worse at trying to get you to stop; seriously waving = hi/come here YDI for not paying attention to your surroundings have a quick recovery from the ribs, those SUCK to have broken cant do anything

Ouch indeed. But I wouldn't just wave to signal "Stop!"...


too bad he couldn't pull an edward cullen to stop the car and knock you out of the way...

i call bull shit becuase you say you thought he was waving you over and you ran into a truck... and he was trying to get you to not run into a truck... so if im right if you had stood still the truck wouldnt have hit u since you "ran" into it thinking he was calling you over?... seems kinda bullshity... get a life

lifeseemstosuck 0

hey! i'm really sorry, that completely sucks (if that is a real story). If it isn't a real story, that's a horrible thing to do, and you really shouldn't even pretend that that is real...if it is, i'm so sorry! that completely sucks, and #67, THAT, is a horrible thing to say! haha. My dad was run over by a car (twice actually,the guy ran back over him to see what he had hit!), so i can KINDA relate to what you're going through! I hope you feel better (and heal quickly!!!!)

fuck_YOUR_lives 0

you really deserve it. who the **** runs through a parking lot only focusing on one thing (your crush)?! natural selection at it's best. you know you are a RETARD when you don't see (i'm guessing) an h2 (even h3s are big) backing up right into you. also, how could you not HEAR it?!!? it's not like it's a ******* gay prius.

izzyreynolds 0

So as you were getting out of your car on the other side of the parking lot he waved at you to tell you are car was pulling out??? Um I usually just say be careful

amazingkate 0

@ number 80, don't EVER call priuses gay, or I'll come to your house and slit your throat.

Sorry, #83, but I'm gonna have to agree with #80 here. Global warming is bullshit, and you did overreact to his comment.