By Anonymous - 02/12/2011 06:15 - United States

Today, I saw my dad for the first time in ten years. He was stealing my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 052
You deserved it 2 719

Same thing different taste


andrew87804 4

Ha ha!I see what u did there .......Car-ful

hateevryone 14

call the police. so what if he's your dad.

Uhum... so I guess you won't see him again for a litle while right?

bubo_fml 10

The good news is now you can see him on a regular basis...During visiting hours @ county lockup...

Maybe he was taking it to the dump.....TO GET YA A FERRARII ;D Lalalalala ^_^ HAPPY CHRISTMAS

Maybe he was taking it to the dump.....TO GET YA A FERRARII ;D Lalalalala ^_^ HAPPY CHRISTMAS

He wasnt stealin it he was borrowin it without askin! Id call the cops ifi were you