By Anonymous - 02/12/2011 06:15 - United States

Today, I saw my dad for the first time in ten years. He was stealing my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 052
You deserved it 2 719

Same thing different taste


you all seriously need to learn how to use the "you totally deserve it button" idiots.

Maybe he thought it would make a nice gift for you

PinkFun1969 9

O darling don't feel so bad. I got my 4 Year old some diamond earings for her birthday. The next day they were missing. Her bioaicial dad took them and pawned them for beer.

zecagle 0

I HATE it when that happens..although after the third time..well let's just say it never happened again.

xxhelenxx 0

wtf i think annoymous is fake havent u all notoced? it keeps switching from he she and they post about 10 fmls a day

are you ******* retarded? you think anonymous is an actual account?

@ #95 are you retarded? you think anonymous is an actual account?

I agree with #7 need a little more info here! How do we know that your mom was telling you crap about your dad and telling him to back off all these years? Or maybe he is unstable, could be undercover CIA needed your car! Do you owe him money?