By Raiders4ever - 21/10/2009 00:44 - United States

Today, I saw my son. I didn't know I had a son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 380
You deserved it 24 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dad, look! I'm your son! Son... I am disappoint.

spyderman2190 0

that kinda sux, but this shouldnt be an FML, if anything your life is prolly alot more blessed, quit being a man ***** and this prolly wont happen again


... was this because of the recent House ep?

#95, That was my first thought as well... xD

Get genetic testing done; around 25% of such aren't genetically related!

iheyman 0

Def win. Made me laugh. @ OP... ouch. seriously. How was the conversation?? You: So. You're my son. Son: Yup! No matter how you look at it, it is still awkward!

YDI for not using protection with complete strangers that you never see again until they tell you you have a son... wtf. PATERNITY TEST.

YDI for not following up on the sex. Or FYL if the girl walked out like in American Pie.

akward but still congrats on finding your son!

catalinalynne 0

I...don't know wheather I should congradulate you or tell you to run in the opposite direction.