By Raiders4ever - 21/10/2009 00:44 - United States

Today, I saw my son. I didn't know I had a son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 384
You deserved it 24 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dad, look! I'm your son! Son... I am disappoint.

spyderman2190 0

that kinda sux, but this shouldnt be an FML, if anything your life is prolly alot more blessed, quit being a man ***** and this prolly wont happen again


greent_fml 0

of course he didnt know he had a kid. hes a raider fan. and everyone knows raider fans have no intelligence whatsoever.

73- Everyone is supposed to call every one night stand they had each 6 weeks later? 回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回 ※※****!!!※●●※※※※※※※※※ 回※※※※●※※●※※※※※※※回 ※※※※※●※※●※※※※※※※※ 回※※※※●※※●※※※※※※※回 ※※※※※●※※●※※※※※※※※ 回※※●●●※※●●●●※※※※回 ※※※●※●※※●※※●●●●※※ 回●●●※●※※●※※●※※●※回 ※●※●※●※※●※※●※※● 回【FuckOuttaHea!™】回 回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回.

FYL, she has an obligation to tell you about something like that when it happens. this is missing a lot of details, though.

how do you not know you have a son? If you're a guy then never mind but girls actually have to GIVE BIRTH to their kids.


YDI now get to lnkw him before its too late

92-the OPs a guy, not a girl-I think a girl would notice if she had a kid. OP-that sux that u didn't know, but unless the kid is 18 or older, u have to help take care of him now. Tough luck.