By Raiders4ever - 21/10/2009 00:44 - United States

Today, I saw my son. I didn't know I had a son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 380
You deserved it 24 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dad, look! I'm your son! Son... I am disappoint.

spyderman2190 0

that kinda sux, but this shouldnt be an FML, if anything your life is prolly alot more blessed, quit being a man ***** and this prolly wont happen again


i think thats fake, how would he even know that boy was his son, if he doesn't have one, fake

DemonicFatty 2

is there a problem with having a son. not like he's 17...I think

Hisbabyforever 0

if this is an fml for you, think how your son feels. that you dindnt expect and therefore dont want him as a son? he's gotta feel terrible

cantevenimagine 0

that's wat u get for being a man *****, no offense

why FYL? try considering how your kid feels. if I knew my dad, I would be overjoyed. YDI for being an inconsiderate douche bag

HighasaCloud 46

Have you considered the overwhelming probability that the woman in question failed to inform OP that he was to be a father? I suspect it didn't cross your mind, douchebag.

prenticehill 4

how is that an FML? celebrate your new child.

scotchnacid 4

Everyday..we learn something new

bullgirl101 0

What a terrible father/mother!

nekamcnair 0

How the hell you don't know you have a son