By GroosedOut - 20/08/2009 12:32 - United States

Today, I saw my wife pick her nose and suck on her fingers. We're 38. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 610
You deserved it 5 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CDS09 0

The 38 at the end is kind of funny...I dont think it matters if you are 18 or 38, if you are married you are too old for that.


PhishloverA 14

I'm sorry you had to see that OP, that's just gross. Your age has nothing to do with the FML though, only hers does

dingdingvinny 7

Would you still kiss her after that? Like right after?

There are actually studies that day eating your buggers can boost your immune system. Don't get me wrong, it's gross but science proves it has medicinal benefits

wrenavery90 12

What's your age have to do with it? It's gross no matter how old you are.