By GroosedOut - 20/08/2009 12:32 - United States

Today, I saw my wife pick her nose and suck on her fingers. We're 38. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 610
You deserved it 5 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CDS09 0

The 38 at the end is kind of funny...I dont think it matters if you are 18 or 38, if you are married you are too old for that.


lololol111 0
irrelevantxx 0

EWHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shivered when I read this D:

lunytunes88 0

YDI for not noticing her do it before.

Who cares if she picked her nose but FYL because she ate the boogers

yotsu 14

Munching boogers is actually good for bolstering your immune system. My fiance and I both chow down and he's huge on hygiene. Besides, they taste pretty good and like others have said, it's not like that stuff never finds it's way down your throat.

Oh no, what a nightmare! You're going to have to kill yourself! But seriously, it's just dried mucus, mucus ends up in your mouth in many other ways (coughing, sicknesses, etc.) . Maybe her nose felt uncomfortable. I suggest that you get a marriage consoler, then kill yourself.

joemama13 0

i like how OP specified her though if someone old enough to be a wife was under some mystical age threshold, this would be an OK behaviour...nice.

At least it means her immune system should be healthier than yours. There are studies on it.

tony8pie 0