By ahuman - 29/09/2013 05:10 - United States

Today, I saw two kids having a fistfight in the street. I ran over to stop them, and one ended up hitting me in the eye. I now have a black eye over what turned out to have been a fight over who was going to get the last slice of pizza. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 764
You deserved it 9 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikkitaria 9

Let me guess... You tried to settle the fight by offering to take the last slice?

You learned your lesson I guess, mind your own business OP! Sorry you got hit but next time watch from a distance and stay out of it


The last slice of pizza is no laughing matter.

Next time, let them fight their own battles. You say they were kids; how old were they exactly? Ten? Fifteen? Either way, the Ninja Turtles and their influential love for pizza has come to the next generation!!!

I hope they gave it to you! XD joking. Mind your own business next time

Maybe you'll mind your own business next time.