By Porter_Robinson - 30/04/2013 08:50 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I sent a girl a friendly conversation starter on Facebook. She replied, "I know what you guys are like. Oh, and that invitation to a date in about 5 messages time? Not a chance." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 438
You deserved it 9 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shoulda just showed her up and went like "what date?.. I just wanted to know more about (her friend). Who said anything about asking you out?"


She sounds 100% in the bitch. Maybe you shouldn't try to have internet friends.

Why the downvote? Does no one else notice his username?

Sounds like she's protecting something nobody wants?

Phoebe_Buffay 14

"but why would i want to go on a date with a conceded bitch?"

Conceited? Although... Your way actually kind of works too lmao

If she's popular, you might want to avoid the 'just being friendly ' route, they have about ten people doing the same thing.

KingCeltic77 18

Well were you gonna try and ask her out?

If she was right then YDI, if not, FYL.

Hey, she's the crazy one, not you. Don't date chicks that are constantly paranoid!