By Porter_Robinson - 30/04/2013 08:50 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I sent a girl a friendly conversation starter on Facebook. She replied, "I know what you guys are like. Oh, and that invitation to a date in about 5 messages time? Not a chance." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 438
You deserved it 9 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shoulda just showed her up and went like "what date?.. I just wanted to know more about (her friend). Who said anything about asking you out?"


Stereotyping. Forget her OP! Not worth your time.

Why do some woman think all guys are the same

3rdbass 9

Because it's just one person thinking that.

The irony in 15's statement is that in complaining about how women should not stereotype men, he is generalising all women.

Noxialis 10

#62 - Except it quite clearly says 'some' women. I know, I know, reading is hard.

She just saved you the trouble. She probally got dumped and thinks that every guy in the planet is the same asshole and all... It's just not worth your time, OP.

Or too many guys send her messages wanting to be "more than a friend" and she's tired of if.

miasaur 11

sounds a bit full of herself, sorry mate

HeadlessSparrow 20

Prove her wrong and ask her out in the 6th message time!

LeCielNousAide 7

She probably said that because unless a guy is gay, let's face it: most guys aren't looking to be "just friends" with someone of the opposite sex. I've been duped many times just trying to be friends with a guy (not wanting anything more) and then getting blindsided by a confession to liking me. A girl does not always want romance just because she's being friendly, and being a girl's friend just to worm your way in and ask her out is dumb too. I can see where the girl is coming from, but she was harsh.

Yup! But I don't really think it was harsh, just because it was on the internet. Even if he knows her in real life, I doubt he was just trying to make friends, otherwise he wouldn't be writing an FML after she called him out on trying to ask her out.

crammer1 6

I would have to agree. I've had several guys tell me they wanted to be friends and then got the cold shoulder if I started dating someone. She might not be full of herself like all these other commenters suggest. She might just be tired of disingenuous attention. Not all girls who are pretty are "full of themselves." However, when they state the obvious they are an automatic bitch. When they decide to be friends with a guy and then reject him when he makes a move, they are a *****. We girls must remember to be pretty, skinny, and most of all Have a low self-esteem. But really, she probably said this because she has never met a guy who just wanted to be "friends."

You make it sound so particular to pretty girls that they can't expect honesty or display a high self-esteem, but people who say mean but honest things are rude and people with a very high self-esteem are cocky. This girl appears to be both.

Friend zoned befeore you could even ask her out! Sounds familiar, OP!

perdix 29

#27, sounds like he didn't even make the Friend Zone, it was an outright rejection!

3rdbass 9

Perdix, being Friend Zoned IS rejection.

perdix 29

#36, it's rejection of the sexual component of a relationship, but it allows for a platonic friendship to exist. Of course, I'm taking the term Friend Zone literally. If it just a euphemism for "leave me the **** alone," I stand corrected.

3rdbass 9

Let's be real, how many women do you know actually take the time to follow through on te whole "let's be friends" statement? Let's be friends is a safer way of saying no but in reality you'll never hear from that person again.

perdix 29

#47, about 18.6% of the time. Yes, it's a low number, but it's not zero. Was that a rhetorical question?