By Porter_Robinson - 30/04/2013 08:50 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I sent a girl a friendly conversation starter on Facebook. She replied, "I know what you guys are like. Oh, and that invitation to a date in about 5 messages time? Not a chance." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 438
You deserved it 9 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shoulda just showed her up and went like "what date?.. I just wanted to know more about (her friend). Who said anything about asking you out?"


It's four messages and the invitation is to **** not to date.

Kuhu1993 21

Tell her that she doesnt stand a chance with you! She's one arrogant bitch.

Sober1128 9

She's not exactly wrong. If she gets that a lot then she's not full of herself she's just not sitting through it again. That said, op should have just explained he wanted to chat.

Should of said something like "what date? I have a girlfriend. I just wanted to meet new people"

Ximzon 5

Respond with "I have a boyfriend"