By Anonymous - 23/04/2009 13:35 - United States

Today, I sent my boyfriend of three and a half years a text message spilling my heart out, saying I'll love him forever, and how much I appreciate him in my life, that I want to be the mother of his children, etc. His text back to me? "Are you drunk?!?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 073
You deserved it 67 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think the "mother of your children" part probably prompted his question more than anything else

Yeah that's a pretty awkward thing to send over a text..


Maybe your spelling was so shitty he thought you were drunk.

Yeah if it was random like that I would also ask if you were drunk.

It was completely out of the blue so I get it.

not an fml at all. its more a mama drama theory. YDI

ydi for saying romantic stuff like this over a text message :/

gatorgirl7563 22

Sorry, op. You kind of deserve that. But you still have my sympathies. Maybe you should tell him face to face or over the phone instead of via text.

ericanicole1 12

I don't get where the surprise part is. It says 3 1/2 YEARS not months, not exactly uncommon to think and talk about those rhings

I will never understand why people feel the need to text their feelings like that. ydi