By Anonymous - 23/04/2009 13:35 - United States

Today, I sent my boyfriend of three and a half years a text message spilling my heart out, saying I'll love him forever, and how much I appreciate him in my life, that I want to be the mother of his children, etc. His text back to me? "Are you drunk?!?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 073
You deserved it 67 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think the "mother of your children" part probably prompted his question more than anything else

Yeah that's a pretty awkward thing to send over a text..


Lepton 0

Really? You said all that in a text?

ritalinboy 1

thats y u tell people things like this in person...

christopherlove 0

So, you were indeed drunk, yes?

lol, my girlfriend sent me a text JUST like this a few months ago.....i asked the same thing.....she was -.- fml

You are not supposed to text message that kind of information. Come on now.

Hich17 0

Yeah, not gonna lie, I'd probably react the same way. One time, I DID drunk-text my girlfriend with lovey-dovey stuff. And despite the fact that I spelled everything perfectly, she instantly knew I'd been drinking. Phone's need breathalizers.

pikL3bOi 0

#15 email and facebook aren't nemore intimate

smartypats 1

Omg. That happened to me once. Awkward.