By Beeh - 24/12/2009 05:31 - United States

Today, I shared the story of my younger brother's unexpected death with a friend. After telling him the story, I looked at him with teary eyes and he looked back into my eyes and said "I understand how you feel. That is almost as bad as when I lost my cat last spring term." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 888
You deserved it 3 416

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ellowise_fml 0

Ohh what a jerk :( I'm sorry for your loss...


sparxva 12

Sympathy for the death of your brother, but it is not am FML that your friend is an idiot. Choose better friends.

CheshireHalli 19

While I get the pain of losing family and a pet... They are equal. They're both awful to feel... But the FML is that the guy said OP's loss of his brother was ALMOST as bad as him losing the cat. =/ That's wrong...

slightlyoff 0

That sucks, but I'm not surprised. I got the same sort of responses when my sister died. People can be major assholes. To those of you saying a life is a life: having lost a cat (after it being in my life over a decade) and a sibling, the cat was nothing. I was sad for a few weeks about the cat. I was severely depressed for about 21 months over my sister. I still miss her very much. I cannot understand how anyone could equate the two.

Connkidd 0

go **** yourself RyanKaufman. u sound like an old cat woman.

ombrelle 0

hahahaha amazing comment! so true!

Almost as bad as losing their cat? please tell me you hit them.

sammyRachelle 0

I'm very sorry for your loss, my brother is my best friend I can't imagine losing him. Kick the guy in the balls.

no offence but you haven't got a clue how much the cat meant to them. everyone is saying FYL but her brothers death is no more saddening to him than his cats death! they're still tragic... just becomes it is a human doesn't mean 'oh well, **** the cat. my BROTHER died' people get close to pets

CheshireHalli 19

Well, even if the cat meant a lot to them, they shouldn't tell the friend who lost the brother "It's ALMOST as bad as me losing my cat." Maybe "I felt that way when I lost my cat" would be better.

i love the responses that present "human and animal" as separate entities, for those comments completely lack intelligence. the human, an ANIMAL, generally lacks any respect for other species (with few exceptions, of course). but then, it's just human nature!

The__Redneck 7

Holy shit on a fork. People are seriously equating the death of a human being to the death of an animal. Thank you, Internet, for once again crushing my faith in humanity.

#66= my point. this is the kind of apathy that drives the destruction of this planet and life. our response to death is species-specific, and that is more than expected, but that does not mean that other animals have any less worth than humans.