By Beeh - 24/12/2009 05:31 - United States

Today, I shared the story of my younger brother's unexpected death with a friend. After telling him the story, I looked at him with teary eyes and he looked back into my eyes and said "I understand how you feel. That is almost as bad as when I lost my cat last spring term." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 888
You deserved it 3 416

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ellowise_fml 0

Ohh what a jerk :( I'm sorry for your loss...


Unconditional love in humans is called stalking. Oops, this is a reply to .. whoever replied to 21 up there.

Maybe the person meant "My Cat" as in Catherine, a person...? That just seems unbelievably callous.

capthavoc123 0

Because it's ridiculous for a person to think of a pet as a member of the family. I'm putting the insensitive label on you.

your story is worse, but this reminds me of my best friend saying that not being allowed to have her boyfriends dads dog in her new apartment is one of the worst 3 things thats ever happened to her the day after someone tried to murder me, and not for the first time.

iknoright 0

I sorry for your loss, my really goood friend lost her brother when he was 3. But sometimes like every one said pets are like family, for example my aunt and uncle could never have kids the got a dog tht lived to be almost 18. They were devestated we she died but it was like losing a child to them. So maybe it was like losing a sibling to him.

Sorry for your loss :'-( I lost my brother-in-law last summer and i know how hard it is, my thoughts go out to you.

AndreaHatesYou1 0

Have you ever lost a pet? You're trying to call someone else insensitive?

Thunderbender 2

You're calling the person who lost her little brother last year insensitive for not feeling the guy losing is cat is the same thing :| You need to euthanized.

ombrelle 0

wow I can't believe people are actually agreeing that losing a pet is almost equal to losing a sibling if not the same. Unless anyone else has lost a sibling you can not equate the two! My boyfriend lost his brother a year ago unexpectedly and I have never seen a family suffer so much pain. You can never replace a family member. More than half the people who lose animals replace them. We have also both lost pets who were considered family members and treated like royalty and you can never compare the pain you suffer losing a family member to an animal. All of you really need to wake up and see that losing an animal is not the same as losing a human being! OP I am sorry for your loss and sorry that if you read these comments there's stupid people who agree with this ignorant person who said it was almost as bad as losing their cat.

Maybe I'm new to this whole humanity thing but it's called perspective? I don't have any siblings and I care heavily for my cats and when one dies I feel awful. I would've said the same thing and if you get sad about then tough luck not everyone's the same. Deal with it.

Thunderbender 2

Yeah I think you're new to this whole humanity thing too because even if you dont have any siblings you'd think you'd have that little thing called empathy to tell you that losing a sibling is NOT the same thing as losing a pet, no matter how much you loved that pet.

Your a dick dude. Have fun with the only ******* you will ever see in life.....oh and they die much quicker than humans

Snickerdoodlez 0

"ALMOST as bad?" FYL!! Sorry for your loss by the way :(