By Beeh - 24/12/2009 05:31 - United States

Today, I shared the story of my younger brother's unexpected death with a friend. After telling him the story, I looked at him with teary eyes and he looked back into my eyes and said "I understand how you feel. That is almost as bad as when I lost my cat last spring term." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 888
You deserved it 3 416

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ellowise_fml 0

Ohh what a jerk :( I'm sorry for your loss...


happysmartg 5

i don't get how this is an fml, i mean yeah your brother died, but if one of my pets died i would be very sad. pets can be part of the family too.

Shadow_vamp_503 2

oh wow. talk about insensitive. :( I am so sorry for your loss

He meant to make you feel better. Obviously his cat meant a lot to him.

imani132 6

I'm so sorry about your bro ?

How is this an FML? I'm sorry your bro died, but how is the cat FML?

Im sorry for your loss. but people like ur friend really have to learn to put things in context.

He was trying to be empathetic. Succeeded in the pathetic part as any attempt to comfort is at those times. BTW, he chose the cat; you didn't choose your brother. Sorry for your loss.

Please accept my condolences. I lost my fiancé last month. I have been hearing similar stories. It's hard for people to seperate their own grief from yours. I find a lot of people relive any trama that they have.