By Ilovelife07 - 14/01/2010 15:14 - United States

Today, I snuck out of work 2 hours early. As I was speeding away so I wouldn't be seen, I rear-ended my boss as he was leaving the lower parking lot for a late lunch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 734
You deserved it 46 550

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the hell is the point of these "I did something completely ******* stupid. Feel bad for me please?" types of FMLs? Seriously. You'll get no sympathy from me.

Killeritch 0

i kinda want to know why you thought driving quickly and irresponsibly would make you less likely to get spotted and/or caught. pro tip: if you're driving fast, it makes you more visible, not less. so ytdi.


CyclonePsycho 1

Sneaking out of work two hours early? Huh. I guess they do make stupid in that flavor.

I hope you get fired dipshit. I really wonder WTF is going on in people's heads that makes them think crap like this is ok. Seriously, WTF?

noshitsherlock 0

LEARN HOW TO DRIVE, DUMBASS. It's called "brakes"

Yes because that is the moral of the story.

This reminds me of an old saying, "When you work late, no one notices, but if you try to leave work early you meet your boss in the parking lot." Your incident shows us how very true that saying really is. :)

Oh, all the charges they could mention as reason for termination... Fraud (if you remained on the clock when you left). Vehicle damages. Leaving the workplace before the designated time. Failing to fulfill duties specified as an employee. Reckless driving on company property. Have fun trying to find a new job! :)

Why do people feel the need to post an FML that they themselves obviously caused? 'Today, I shot 10 people. I was caught. FML' Instead of asking for sympathy for your own stupidity, you should either learn to stop doing such stupid things or remove yourself from the gene pool.

I said that once and got flamed for it. Well said, anyway :P OP's a dick

danthemanfosho 0

YDI there are alot of honest people who need jobs not Jackasses like you

you rly expect ppl to feel bad for you. YDI

SumKid_fml 0

Maybe you should reconsider your life for a sec? Doesnt really look like you "love your life" as your name says. Is it really worth losing your job for trying to leave 2 hours early? Especially with the way the economy is goin right now?