By Anonymous - 30/10/2011 13:16 - United States

Today, I spent two hours driving all over town looking for a store that sold pumpkins. When I finally found some, I was charged ten dollars per pumpkin. Later, I went to my town's annual Halloween festival and discovered they were giving pumpkins away for free. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 095
You deserved it 9 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ydi who buys pumpkins when people leave them out on there porch for free

Naomimi_fml 6

I know right! Why adopt a child when they roam the streets alone on Halloween... for free?!


Why didn't you look up a store that sold pumpkins before you went out looking?

Our Halloween pumpkins in Australia are $4 a kilo, minimum $10 each :/

karleeelizabeth 0

What has this world come to where you sell pumpkins for $10?

some_girl9 8

YDI. How could you not know your own town's festival had them??

gingeryginger 1

Well your officially a terrible shopper

How many pumpkins did you buy? You should charge for candy at your house until you earn the money back for your pumpkins