By Anonymous - 30/10/2011 13:16 - United States
Same thing different taste
By nohalloweenforus - 31/10/2016 15:22
By halloweenless - 01/11/2010 13:14 - United States
By Anonymous - 08/11/2010 01:05 - United States
By trick or not treat - 31/10/2009 22:26 - France
By candice - 01/11/2011 09:09 - Reserved
By Anonymous - 30/10/2010 23:55 - United Kingdom
Halloween, the long wait
By androidjezus - 03/11/2019 18:30
By nocostumeforme - 29/10/2011 16:01 - Canada
By Username - 04/12/2010 21:04 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/07/2011 04:46 - United States
Top comments
Why didn't you look up a store that sold pumpkins before you went out looking?
Our Halloween pumpkins in Australia are $4 a kilo, minimum $10 each :/
10 bucks? Here they are only about 3-5!
How many pumpkins did you buy? You should charge for candy at your house until you earn the money back for your pumpkins
Ydi who buys pumpkins when people leave them out on there porch for free
I know right! Why adopt a child when they roam the streets alone on Halloween... for free?!