By Lena - 03/03/2012 00:39 - France
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He was following you but he made no attempt to call out to you?
I don't know about other people, but I try to avoid shouting whenever possible. So, I would've tried to do the same as that guy did: Catch up with OP and talk to her face.
Maybe he didn't want her to think he was cat-calling her or something.
KayBee "Excuse me" can still be used by someone flirting, cat calling, or just wanting to bother you, OP still might not have turned around.
A generic "excuse me" is flirting now? Even if the person *is* flirting, if you aren't interested, tell them respectfully that you aren't. There is no need to attack someone if you aren't defending yourself.
This is why you don't pepper spray someone unless they actually try and attack you. Get prepared if you want, but look what happens when you assume stuff. For all you know he might have just been heading the same way as you.
Exactly. I get how scary walking alone can be, especially if you've been assaulted before, but her actions were still way out of line. At the very least, she could have pulled out the spray and asked him why he was following her or warned him to stay back. But instead she chose to jump the gun and sprayed an innocent man.
OP is the living example of why carrying pepperspray is illegal in my country for civilians. For carrying pepper spray you will get fine and possibly charge. Which has resulted to people carrying security sprays with salt,methol and paint mix. Others take risk still carrying pepperspray, which could lead to fines or even criminal record and that way to problems with getting work... FFS.. OP could have warned the follower that you are going to spary him and requested him to state his business.
If you peppersprayed me like that, it would be the last time you saw your keys.
This is why I always return dropped items to women on the street with my mouth open and eyes tightly closed. It's especially nice when I'm on the way to lunch and want extra spivey chicken.
Urban dictionary defines "spivey" as a catchall word that can be used in any situation, so I guess my typo still works.
Shouldn't you ask why somebody is following you before you pepper spray them? Seems like the polite thing to do
plot twist: start of a romance!
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It wasn't the guys fault at all, the OP overreacted. Unless someone is threatening or physically hurting you, you don't use a weapon, she used it prematurely. Just because someone seems to be taking the same path as you, doesn't mean they're necessarily "following" you. What if the guy was just taking the same route as OP, in this case, he was just trying to be nice. Make sure you know there is malice intent before resorting to defense.
I'm a fast walker, if I was walking the same way I'd probably catch up to her, and I probably would not be paying attention to her 'til she sprayed me in the face. What if the guy was soft spoken, or mute, he doesn't have to yell to get the OP's attention, you don't assault someone you suspect if following you. I hope police got involved.
I'm with you here... I know I've gotten a few over the shoulder glances as I'm about to catch up with someone walking on the same sidewalk, but thankfully no one has assaulted me for it.
I was replying to #27, for the record.
Congratulations! You just committed assault. And who cares if he's cute, like if he was an uggo it would be ok.

This is why you don't pepper spray someone unless they actually try and attack you. Get prepared if you want, but look what happens when you assume stuff. For all you know he might have just been heading the same way as you.
He was following you but he made no attempt to call out to you?