By merp. - 02/02/2013 06:57 - United States - Wausau

Today, I spun off the road and into a ditch. The insurance company told me I'd have to wait an hour, as they had other cars to tow first. I had to pee so badly that I resorted to using the only thing I had in my car: a plastic bag. That's when I got a knock on my window from the tow truck driver. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 710
You deserved it 6 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you not just pee outside? I would do that before I would use a plastic bag.

Well I honestly think being caught changing a tampon on a highway is worse. But yes, FYL OP.


Its more like guys = Anything/anywhere they can piss on/in.

Are you the one who flicked tour tampon out the window of the highway?! I mean the FML THIS ONE! Talk about a coincidence!

Sorry I meant your not tour and the one below this fml

always,man,always. the odds are always against u under circumstances like that.

it's alright,nature sometimes calls and it's good u got something to answer the call.

onorexveritas 23

I second #3, however, its not nearly as disturbing

Lucky for Op she had blanket coverage, along with roadside assistance. You're in good hands with Allstate.

Make yellow snow... Boy or girl not that hard...

Gross. Why would you use a plastic bag? What were you going to do with it then? Leave it in the car for the tow truck driver to find? Drive home with it in there? Or throw it out the window and let it mellow in the wilderness? You should have just squatted behind a bush or something; at least that would have been less gross and hopefully more discreet.

ilovera 7

Did you also change your tampon?