By merp. - 02/02/2013 06:57 - United States - Wausau

Today, I spun off the road and into a ditch. The insurance company told me I'd have to wait an hour, as they had other cars to tow first. I had to pee so badly that I resorted to using the only thing I had in my car: a plastic bag. That's when I got a knock on my window from the tow truck driver. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 710
You deserved it 6 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you not just pee outside? I would do that before I would use a plastic bag.

Well I honestly think being caught changing a tampon on a highway is worse. But yes, FYL OP.


That would be one of those times I would really want a detachable penis.

One of those times? There are others?

Sure. Stuck on the side of the road with no restroom in sight (stranded), camping, hiking, long walk or run. There are many instances where it would be useful.

could you not have squatted next to the car instead? someone mentioned it being cold where OP is but surely having the door open to let a bit of heat out for a few seconds would be better and more subtle than pissing into a carrier bag

I'd be willing to brave the snow and rain if it meant I didn't have to pee in a plastic bag inside my own car. It's not like peeing even takes that long. OP can warm up again once they get back in the car.

WolfAtTheDoor 7

I'm betting it would have been less awkward if you had just peed your pants...

Or ground, for that matter. If OP was in a ditch, surely she was fairly hidden from sight enough to squat down and quickly pee? And even if it wasn't a deep ditch, she still could have opened the car doors and used them as a sort of shield to hide behind. That sounds like a much easier option than peeing in a bag.

I would've threw water on your trifflin self