By Aliiiice - 16/07/2013 13:18 - France - Offranville

Today, I started doing it again. I'd given up for years, but when I saw the pack I just couldn't help myself. One taste was enough to make me finish off the whole pack. Nobody knows that I've fallen off the wagon and I'm so ashamed of myself. Today, I began eating my cat's biscuits again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 679
You deserved it 35 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ShananaginsLOL 13

I love the way you worded that.

Oh, now THIS is an FML I'd like to see a comic for.


Crazy dude you really need to see a psychologist and if you are a lady dnt even bother to.

I don't know what's worse the fact that you do that or the fact that you just let the entire world know

SinfulEnd 20

And they say french food is weird... I think its the people...

is it wrong that I almost pissed my pants laughing?

that almost happened to me, it was 6 pm i was at a furniture store i haven't eaten anything in like 6 hrs and there they were dog treats. they looked so good i thought they were for people good thing i stopped my self before i got them huh.

MrBoredomioo 18

Nice to see I'm not the only one bored by this kind of infantile attention-seeking.