By Anonymous - 19/10/2009 08:46 - United States

Today, I started my first day at work, I've been unemployed for a while and am in college, so naturally I have no money. At the end of my shift, I ask what we do with the extra bread, and they tell me to throw it away. Being poor and hungry, I decide to take the bread home. I got fired for stealing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 455
You deserved it 10 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have just asked if you could have it.

You should've asked first. Some places have very strict policies about things like that, but they may have said yes if you had asked. Technically, you WERE stealing.


That does suck, but you should have just asked. I have worked in a chocolate store and they let us take the fruit covered chocolate home each night.

doof_fisch 2

I've never heard of fruit-covered-chocolate before. Is it in the produce section?

I doubt there's a produce section in a chocolate shop

yellowfeet 0

uh, ever heard of chocolate covered strawberries. it's not like an entire fruit is covered in chocolate. they cut the fruit up in pieces and then dip it in chocolate.

apriltwentieth 4

Actually, the whole strawberry is dipped in the chocolate. Why would you cut it up? Source: I'm a chef.

It's kind of common sense to ask first...YDI

How is taking home trash the same as stealing? It's trash why would they care?

It's against the law to steal someone's garbage.

They care because, it gives workers an incentive to make extra bread/ food during their shift, so they can take it home after. It's a huge issue in the food industry, so a lot of places don't give any employee extra food, and they simply throw it all away and you get in HUGE trouble if you don't.

shinyred 0

Its actually not against the law to steal someones trash if its already been thrown in the garbage can outside.

Not in a lot o places in the US it's not. That's why cops will go through criminals' trash looking for evidence--they don't need a warrant and it's legal. Once something is thrown out, it's open season on it

Tomaino 3

Technically the food was never thrown out. Until such time as it reaches the garbage can, it is property of the company.

I feel bad for you but you could have avoided it by simply asking if you could take the bread home since it was going in the trash. I guess you know that now. Good luck looking for another job.

You should have tossed it out, and come back late at night when the store is closed and dug through the trash. I know, this sounds gross, but lots of thrown out stuff is still good/wrapped/otherwise edible. Unless of course, they lock the dumpsters.

DirtyDiana_fml 0

You should have asked; but still, if something is going to be thrown out anyway it tecnically isn't a crime as such. [I guess it's because I'm an art student we take stuff people are about to throw away all the time.] I think firing you is a bit harsh, but I guess it's the principle; you took something without asking.

The rules about taking trash vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. In some places, once the trash hits the curb, it's fair game, in other places once it hits the curb it becomes the property of the sanitation department/city or whatever. If the city really wanted to they could go after you for it.

Should've asked but it still seems a little bit harsh. My boss would rather the spare food went to us and our families than go to waste, but you should still ask, just to be polite. Especially if it's your first day.

noluck84 0

yeah, you should have asked but its still stupid that you got fired