By AyDiosMio42 - 08/09/2009 06:31 - United States

Today, I stepped on the MacBook Air I purchased 4 days ago. The screen snapped in two, and I didn't buy insurance because I promised myself I would be "extra careful." $3500 well spent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 827
You deserved it 70 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How can you step on your macbook if you are "extra carefull"??? Putting it on the floor, or maybe you did dance on the table?, isn't carefull at all!

russianspy1234 11

so spend 900 and get a pc that's better.


If your Macbook Air is indeed four days old it is still under warranty. It comes with a 1 year warranty.

warranties don't cover foot-induced damage.... Also, $3500 for an air? sounds like BS to me....

bob1124 0

YDI for buying a Macbook Air. They're gimmicks.

Yeah, at least you didn't break the DVD drive. *snicker*

ahaha hi-5... i love my macbook and my iPhone but NO WAY IN HELL would i buy a friggin macbook air. why was it on the floor anyways. tip for next time, GET INSURANCE. insurance wouldn't exist if everyone was 'extra careful' it's not like people go around stepping on their computers on purpose DEEEH

padfoot_fml 0

the only reason macs don't get viruses is because not many people own macs, so not many viruses are created for macs

Mac doesn't get many (if any) viruses because of two simple things. 1) It's the same reason that there's nearly no viruses on linux... it's because OSX -IS- linux. 2) The software doesn't lend itself to infection as easily because of the fact that there are a lot less vulnerabilities, and those that exist are patched faster than windows. The hardware is the same these days, the only difference is the OS. And it's certainly not the user base, as there are more and more people using macs each day.

TheCashMan88 0

You obviously haven't read every single comment in this thread. PROTIP, broseph: Macs have viruses too. And they crash. Viruses aren't a problem for a PC user with a competent anti-virus program, and my laptop (running Vista, BTW) has yet to crash in the several months I have owned it.

#205 is correct. Basically, Macs are great for people who just don't know how to use a computer very well. And I don't mean figuring out how to get on the internet. People who report problems with Windows have ****** it up themselves or have bought shoddy hardware.

Erm, just a few months ago there was a Mac virus that went round and caused havoc. Also, you wanna know WHY Macs generally don't get viruses? It's not because of their apparently oh-so-superior defenses... no, it's because the hackers CAN'T BE SCREWED writing a virus for MACS because more people use PCs. I also haven't had a PC crash in years.

padfoot_fml 0

BTW Bro, I checked on rather than some random FML poster They agreed with what I first said, there are less people using macs than PCs.

@190: It is all the same hardware in any modern Mac or PC. So to all of you who paid $3500 for a $1000 computer with Mac OS X: you just paid $2500 for an OS...nothing more. Even Microsoft only charges $170 for the most expensive version of their OS.

i'm a Computer Engineering major working on a Mac. I switched all my hardware to Apple and will never go back. I just run Windows 7 or Linux on Parallels or Boot Camp whenever I need it. But I prefer the rugged Unix of Mac and Linux to Windows.

Octwo 16

They call it a MacBook Air because that's all you get inside it.

DAMNNNNNNNN...that hurts. $3500 is a LOT of bread.

i absolutely love how you just called money bread.

musicpirate456 0

My office gave me a MacBook for free. I gave it to charity.

shakemup 0

I'm just upset because I don't have one? I have a $700 HP laptop and I can guarantee that it will top most MACs. Also, learn to spell.

LadyKaya 0

The dumbass who would step on it is the dumbass who bought a mac in the first place. :D

It's so funny how when someone points out the fact that Apple computers are overpriced, someone else will ALWAYS claim it to be out of jealousy. Children are so predictable.

He never said he didn't ever try a Mac so be quiet. A windows computer isn't always virus filled, slow, and crashy. I, personally, would only want a laptop if it would serve as a capable replacement desktop (which it probably is) that's easier to move to a different power outlet or whatever. Because I don't do shit on the go where they don't already have desktops. And when I do the two portable game consoles I have should be enough.

Hahahaha, #99 completely wins. (Although I'd recommend selling it instead)

Giving something to charity is the worst thing one can do? My, you are a treat, aren't you.

watwasithinking 0

I don't think a warranty covers you stepping on the screen. That is pretty stupid. I don't see how being careful and putting it on the floor mix. If you dropped it, maybe that sucks, but stepping on it is something else.

Sucks to be you. Sucks even more that you're a typical mac owner. "Look at me! I spent a ton of money on an Apple product." Even though you totally lied to make your story more "impressive" FYL

myhairynutsack 0

FYL? you did youself a favor. Macs suck.

cucumberfabulous 7
dudeface 1

Ouch. Who leaves a MacBook Air anywhere you can step on it? That's like leaving a baby in the middle of a busy street. Hope the next one lasts a little longer.