By AyDiosMio42 - 08/09/2009 06:31 - United States

Today, I stepped on the MacBook Air I purchased 4 days ago. The screen snapped in two, and I didn't buy insurance because I promised myself I would be "extra careful." $3500 well spent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 827
You deserved it 70 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How can you step on your macbook if you are "extra carefull"??? Putting it on the floor, or maybe you did dance on the table?, isn't carefull at all!

russianspy1234 11

so spend 900 and get a pc that's better.


Next time, get an alienware. Pretty sturdy things, they are. This is such a mix of YDI and FYL that I can't decide..

Alienware computers are plastic though, and they are some of the most ugly computers I’ve ever seen.

ono ugly computer! god forbid you look at quality... like processor speed, RAM, video, etc. No that's not important, it's not PRETTY!

No, they look pretty good (doesn't matter though ), and they're good computers, they're just overpriced as all hell.

My roommate has an alienware desktop, and two of the USB ports on the front don't work or work every once in awhile. I wouldn't say that's very reliable.

Fake! Macbook Air is half that price. And this story is not even good. If your gonna make something up make it decent. You fail.

He obviously spent twice as much because the idiot bought another.

YDI 'cuz you wasted your money on a macbook air in the first place.

You usually have anywhere from 2 weeks to a month to buy the insurance...go back, buy it. Wait 2 weeks, send it in.

I'm thinking he said $3500 well spent because he had to purchase another.

bosshaug 0

Retard ydi for being a cheap and non-extra careful asshole

jlb3923 0

Did they remove the version with the Solid State Drive? That one was like 3100, but it seems like OP is referring to paying for two in a row and he's probably just gonna step on the new one. YDI for the air, you can get those guts in a $400 netbook anyways.