By AyDiosMio42 - 08/09/2009 06:31 - United States

Today, I stepped on the MacBook Air I purchased 4 days ago. The screen snapped in two, and I didn't buy insurance because I promised myself I would be "extra careful." $3500 well spent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 827
You deserved it 70 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How can you step on your macbook if you are "extra carefull"??? Putting it on the floor, or maybe you did dance on the table?, isn't carefull at all!

russianspy1234 11

so spend 900 and get a pc that's better.


imblue 0

You can get a kickass PC for the same price as a shitty Mac. YDI for spending $3,500 on a computer just so you could brag about it and act stuck up, like all Mac owners.

Leaving the MacBook on the floor was 'extra careful' huh...

YDI for buying a Mac. Airbook, really? Piece of crap. You just look at that thing and it breaks.

Why the hell do you by a MacBook which cost $ 1750,-? YDI

Apple will cover it for up to a year even without insurance. Take it back.

Please, PCs are horrible it's not a matter of if they crash but when. Yeah he could have spent 1500 on a Vaio and stepped on it just as easily. Its not the fact that it was a Mac but he was negligent in leaving it on the floor to be stepped on.

You're completely forgetting about Linux, Windows aren't the only PCs out there. Besides, Windows only crashes for people who don't know what the hell they're doing. My OS hasn't crashed in... I wanna say months, but it might have been over a year by now. If OP spent $1500 on a VAIO and stepped on it, the screen is much less likely to break, and even if it did, would be much cheaper to replace. He'd still end up getting a computer with way better specs for less money.

STVader 0

PC's have gone a bit beyond Win98, in case you haven't noticed. Once upon a time they were utter bug prone crap, but they're just fine for normal use right now. It takes a real idiot to crash XP. Of course, if you want a REAL legitimate OS, go with Linux, none of this mac crap.

I've crashed XP. I updated from SP2 to SP3 with the Windows update program and I got the BSoD after restarting when it asked me to. I got a Mac and I'm never going back.

elisa_sanchez91 0

I agree with #103... & Macs are SUPERIOR to any PC. Those people who say 'Macs suck' are those who can't afford one. Try getting one and comparing it to PCs and you'll see that you will NEVER go back to a PC. If you say you will, you're obviously lying. IM RIGHT AND ANYONE ELSE WHO SAY OTHERWISE IS WRONG. Thanks.

Most Windows crashes are caused by third party software. That's beside the point though. Macs are internally IDENTICAL to other PCs. Intel processor, NVIDIA graphics card, run of the mill RAM, base speed HDD etc. I'm guessing when you had problems with Windows machines, the problem was between the chair and the keyboard.

Man, Mac snobs make me ashamed to say I have one. : I love OS X and my Macbook Pro blows my piece of crap Vaio away, but I can't stand most Mac owners and their superiority complex.

Hahaha I love this. #75 says "It takes a real idiot to crash XP." #103, WITHOUT even attempting to refute this claim, responds with "I've crashed XP." I think that tells us all we need to know.

except it's an intel processor. and my pc happens to have an AMD athlon. can you change/upgrade macs like you can PC's? can you repair them at home? oh, and to finish... Can you game on a mac without dualbooting?

"!!!!!it awsomeee pc's suck ass!!!!" This, is why I can't ever get into a decent conversation with a mac user, they all seem to have mental deficiencies. You can't spell, the last guy didn't know what "quote" means. You deserve it for getting a dell laptop. Those things are wastes of money, and regardless, you probably weren't taking care of the computer right if it was out in a year.