By meepdaleap - 16/05/2013 21:50 - United States - Newport News

Today, I stepped out of the kitchen to yell at my kids for running in the house. I had just mopped the floor, and did not want them to fall. I fell while yelling and twisted my ankle. At least they know it's dangerous now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 334
You deserved it 9 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you were being considerate to the children

grahmagog 14

Best life lessons are taught by our parents


skyeyez9 24

My daughter is stubborn and would run anyways. She has to learn the hard way. One day I told her not to run because I was mopping the floors. She did a very cartoonish slip that you would eect to see happen on a Toon and Jerry cartoon. As she was running around the corner as fast as she could: both feet in the air and fell down hard on her back, knocking the air out of her lungs. She never ran in the house again.

skyeyez9 24

Would expect on a Tom and Jerry cartoon.

thats sounds like something my mom would do

FYL for falling over, but you kinda deserved it for yelling at them just because they were running, you could have spoken to them nicely - unless you had warned them multiple times and they weren't listening, in which case I get it.

RVAriverRAT88 9

And that's why you don't leave the kitchen.

I did this same thing with my child, except in the backyard with holes the dogs dug, and am now suffering through a torn ligament. Hang in there, OP.

That's what you get for leaving the kitchen xD

Swiffer collects dirt, where as used mops can grow bacteria. Switch to swiffer wet jet.

They don't know it's dangerous now, they just know they have a clumsy parent who likes to spontaneously fall and break dance.