By meepdaleap - 16/05/2013 21:50 - United States - Newport News

Today, I stepped out of the kitchen to yell at my kids for running in the house. I had just mopped the floor, and did not want them to fall. I fell while yelling and twisted my ankle. At least they know it's dangerous now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 334
You deserved it 9 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you were being considerate to the children

grahmagog 14

Best life lessons are taught by our parents


Parents nowadays pamper their children A LOT

I think you are a firm believer of "Leading by example"........well it wasn't for nothing OP !!! must be busy with you now no running around...

And that is what happens when you step out of the kitchen...

Lol, sorry. My nan did a similar thing. She told my great nan not to go out cos it was too icy and the last thing she needed was to take her to hospital with a broken limb. Nan turned round, slipped and broke her wrist!

Faiths28 12

Lesso.s are best learned when it actually happens