By dude5028 - 08/09/2009 21:17 - United States

Today, I switched from a pediatrician to an adult doctor. The guy was really persistant about a few personal questions. Then he brought my parents in the room and told them that I have an abnormally small penis and what remedies he knows of to fix it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 155
You deserved it 4 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh wow.. that really sucks LOL :[ Doesn't that break that whole doctor-patient confidentiality agreement? :/

Just because you're no longer going to a pediatrician doesn't mean you're 18. It just means you're old enough to not sit in a room with a stack of Highlights magazines, kid toys, and tiny chairs. After a certain age, you just don't feel it's necessary to sit in a room with train wallpaper.


SwickedJimmay 0

well tell us the remedies! lol

skullbuster 0

OP: With the exception of rubbing you off until you're hard, there is nothing that quack you are calling an "adult doctor" can do to fix your small penis. It's like the common cold, there is no cure! Although I do appreciate the efforts of the 3am infomercial and Oprah Winfrey to convince people otherwise. And, yes, micropenis blah-blah-blah - that's a different tragedy all together and would have been addressed long before you trek to the big boy's doctor! So. long story short (but not abnormally so..), I think the doctor wanted to suck some **** or your post is a fake - I feel badly for you either way!

iheyman 0

This is what you get for saying yes to Obamas health care. YDI

well, at least he's trying to help? that sucks tho, sorry guy

bookworm1212 2

I guess they reeeally want to have grandkids.

buttonface 0

YDI for being too young to use this site.

The confidentiality thing didn't kick in till I reached 12 years of age, but I continued to see my pediatrician till I was 18.

ewwww really? that man should lose his license for saying that. just be glad he wasn't the pediatrician at your birth......a lot of boy babies now are being arbitrarily given sex change operations because they have what are known as 'micro penises'. basically the doctor measures your penis and if he or she deems it a micro penis, and the measurements differ, the offer the parents the option of doing sexual reassignment surgery and turning you outtie into an innie.....but op: it ain't the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean...... and one person telling u tht ur small does not make u small