By Lackadaisical - 15/01/2010 00:01 - United States

Today, I thought I'd be safe by looking before crossing a one way street unlike I normally do. Too bad I looked the wrong way and didn't see the car that hit me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 237
You deserved it 35 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI -- yeah... that's just survival of the fittest, those of us who look BOTH ways before crossing the street, just in case ;)... fail...

iSwag 0

I say you're Blessed you can even type this FML...a car?! yep count your blessings


ChicaChica5683 0

I believe it's look BOTH ways before you cross the street......

infernno 23

Well seeing how you're well enough to post this, it can't have been that bad.

gallopinghorses 3

Looked the wrong way...? How do you do that?

Left....right...left..then right again!