By AyoitsSteveo - 24/05/2009 09:49 - United States

Today, I thought it would be funny to bother my friend Emily. I kept punching her. She asked if I wanted to fight. I agreed because she's a 15 year old skinny girl and I'm 17 year old buff guy. She beat the crap out of me until I cried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 925
You deserved it 159 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you pretty much deserve that one.. dumbass

wtfml0715 0

hahahahah nice going this is pretty sad


I'm captain of the wrestling team. Hand her to me, I'll snap her neck. Just because she's a girl doesn't mean she won't back away, she could do some damage. It's happened to me before, I remembered what my dad said "the opposite sex has no advantage over you." So thats what I did, this girl thought she was stronger, I opened a size 10 can of whoop ass on her. Good luck fighting her again. May the opposite sex have no advantage over you.

drewbreesdat 0

it's actually kinda funny when my girlfriend tries to wrestle with me... I bench pressed her 19 times yesterday

why were you hitting a girl in the first place dumbass??? and then shes two years younger??? wow...

dubsy420 0

yeah, you couldnt just grab her wrists? i thought you were buff. bug strong man got whooped by a girl

jbentley1994 0

never mess with a girl named Emily they are all crazy!!!!!

Next time, poke/hit her repeatedly while quickly saying "BOTHER BOTHER BOTHER BOTHER". She'll never see it coming. (fyi: you're a disgrace to your fellow men. YDI)