By AyoitsSteveo - 24/05/2009 09:49 - United States

Today, I thought it would be funny to bother my friend Emily. I kept punching her. She asked if I wanted to fight. I agreed because she's a 15 year old skinny girl and I'm 17 year old buff guy. She beat the crap out of me until I cried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 925
You deserved it 159 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you pretty much deserve that one.. dumbass

wtfml0715 0

hahahahah nice going this is pretty sad


you fail, dont judge a book by its cover. this really made my day and apparently, you aren't so "buff" after all.

LaLaJoy 2

Wait. Please tell me people don't actually believe this one....

this has to be fake or.. you are not buff AND she does martial arts btw for people here: guys are usually stronger than girls, its not sexism its just the anatomy of the human body anyhow: if its not fake.. you just ******* suck being beat up by a 15 yo is pathetic

Your muscles are in vain. I'm a 22 year old "fat" guy and I could probably whup your ass with one hand tied behind my back.

congbot 0

I often punch my friends repeatedly because I think it's funny.. jk

FMLGirl1991 0

good! that's what you get for challenging a girl. We're stronger than we look and we do not hold back when we get into a fight! I'm a 17 year old skinny girl and i know i can take most fully grown men in a fight. I'm happy your ego got taken down a couple notches.

electroboy_fml 0

Why do I feel like I'll post the same story in 4 years?

pikL3bOi 0

Lmao YDI y would u fire a 15 girl wen ur a 17 buff guy?

Haha, Fyl, dumbass. Most teenage boys are little douchebags who think they can fight, but in reality, cant. Cut the tough guy shit and grow up, idiot.