By crappingrapping - 21/05/2013 15:01 - United States

Today, I thought the public restroom I was in was empty, so I started rapping. I realized the room was not empty when, recognizing the song, the person one stall over joined in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 213
You deserved it 43 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As weird as it sounds, I really wish I had been there.

Because when when you're alone on the toilet, your inner rapper bursts out.


this is awkward but funny not necessarily a FML.

If this happened to me it would make my day.

soixante444 7

Honestly that sounds awesome! I would've loved to be there........well in the next stall.

why is this even on here its not even bad

MichaelT17 9

Then you get outta the bathroom and its EMIN3M if be like hell yeah!!!!!!

baristagirl2003 7

At least they joined you instead of telling you to shut up. Just think, of the enjoyment you had and the enjoyment you caused them.

jramirez16 9

This sounds more like it belongs on MLIA

an3ph 20

That's not an FML. That's an instant best friend!

How is this a FML!? This more of an "My Life Is Awesome" moment. A FML would be if the person in the next stall told you to shut up!